Story Archive October 8, 2002 (Page 1 of 1)

Tuesday, 8. October 2002
:: Pedestrian Crossings ::

There aren't any.

Honestly. I stood at a junction the other day for about 15 minutes until there was just enough gap in the traffic for me to risk my life with. I stood there in such a temper! No crossing, zebra or pelican, no gap in the traffic lights that you might use. Nada.

AND.. Even when the light is red people still go. I mean, how's a sensibly cautious girl like me supposed to cross the road around here??

Anyway, I had the same problem today when I visited town and it reminded me. I don't update this site nearly enough. This time, however, I was accosted by a Jehova' Witness. One of the few times that not speaking the local language has been in my favour.

P.S. Have lost more weight.
P.P.S. There is a huge brown moth on this keyboard.
P.P.P.S. The rum around here is great.

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