Story Archive October 24, 2002 (Page 1 of 1)

Wednesday, 23. October 2002
:: Beach ::

I'm going to the beach this weekend! Hurrah, hooray and all that..

Actually I'm going to a conference for teachers who teach in english. Doesn't sound quite so exciting, but the hotel is near the beach. So I get to enjoy the gorgeous coastline that I saw from the plane upon arrival, but haven't seen since. Due to having a job of course, not laziness.

I'll take my camera, and force myself to take photos, develop them and find the island's scanner so that I may share the weekend with you. Your share will be belated of course, and limited to 800x600 pixels, but you are there and I am here and that's the way it is.

Quit moaning and get on a plane.

P.S. For those interested I have officially lost 24 lbs since I've been here.

... Link

:: Sixth graders are so cute! ::

I was presented with a beautifully scripted poem today;


J is for jewel, heart of pure gold,
E is for expressive, happy soul,
S is for special beauty that's rare,
S is for sweet, loving and fair,
I is for intelligent, bright as the sun,
C is for caring, thoughtful one,
A is for angel, a joy form above,
Jessica so precious and loved.

It had pictures and everything. Wish I had a scanner.

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