Story Archive February 17, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Monday, 17. February 2003
:: Man-o-man? ::

Matty poos, what has happened to your speech?? What on earth is man-o-man? And you, a teacher. Tut tut. Good job I aint as bad as you, boyo.

It is nearing Carnival time here, 27th is the day it all kicks off apparently. It looks like fun, a day, quote "where all of the Dominican people come together in the city streets to dance, share and delight in a celebration of joy" unquote. However, I've been told that if you don't dress up (highly enticing costume illustrated) and especially if you are a foreigner then the people like to hit you with inflated pig bladders. I don't think it's a malicious thing, but maybe I should stay out of the way for this one? Timid Tansy Alert.

Other things are cool, school is hectic, and I still LOVE teaching, The Gorgeous One is wonderful, and the weather.. OK better not mention the weather.

Said (tempting) costumage complete with pig things;

i am NOT wearing this. no way.

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February 2003
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