Story Archive March 19, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Wednesday, 19. March 2003
:: What war? ::

I haven’t mentioned the conflict with Iraq on purpose, if you wanna go into it there’s enough out there.
However, I can’t resist when someone puts something together that makes me chuckle. So when I came across this little gem, I had to share..

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:: Mr. Ex is looking good ::

So, we split up on Friday, and I spent a miserable weekend thinking about him. Then he peacocks in to work on Monday looking Drop Dead Gorgeous. Wearing the shirt he knows I like, wearing his hair the way he knows I like and smiling/being charming to everyone, even me. On Tuesday it is the same story, and then again today. What does this mean? Is he saying “I am over you.”, “I want you back.”, “I want someone - quick!!”…
I refuse to believe that he was so unhappy with me that this groomed, happy display is an expression of ecstatic relief. He never made that much effort before we got together.
Any thoughts?

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:: Car horns and Joggers ::

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, but in the Dominican Republic, the car horn is used like a sixth gear. Only they mostly drive automatic, so that reference didn’t work.

(off the subject – I drove an automatic for the first time recently – so strange! I don’t think I’m sold on the idea though, not enough vrrm factor)
Anyway, I saw a man on a scooter today who’s horn obviously didn’t work and he was weaving through the traffic actually saying “Parp Parp, Parp Parp”. The other drivers reacted accordingly and didn’t even bat an eyelid. I was chuckling all the way down the road…

Then, as I was walking home I noticed a lot of walkers and joggers going in circles around and around the monument. It struck me as bizarre that people around here never walk anywhere – they take cars, bikes, public cars, taxis, conchos, buses etc. and think it’s crazy to actually walk anywhere. They even laugh at me going everywhere on foot! Then, when 5/6 o’clock comes they don their ‘gear’ and they do their ‘exercise’. In boring circles. I guess it’s the same in most countries, but why, people? Why?

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