Story Archive March 24, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Monday, 24. March 2003
:: headless chicken ::

oh yeah, thats me all right
AAaargh. Vent! Vent! Vent! I had to run away from school just now (Though I have officially finished for the day). Too much stress for me by half. I have been running around like said headless chicken all day, trying vainly to look cool, calm and collected, while internally having a minor breakdown, I SO need an expresso right now. Shall I bore you with the details? - moody kids, failed exams, dreadful homeworks, 'reading marathon' results to present ON FRIDAY with not an appropriate reading level book in sight..... Uh oh, I'm steaming up again.

And so, I ran away (with the intention of returning later when there are less people about) to my familiar 17" screen with the zen-like desktop, comfy seat and English radio stations. thank you technology

And relax.

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