Story Archive April 10, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Friday, 11. April 2003
:: Nuthin happened today. Rather bored. ::

Not really, but I just found this apathic journal generator that insired me(!). Go have a look, it's funny.

Perfect for those days when nothing really happened and you don't know what to write. Saves you the bother of thinking of something. Hehe.

That never happens to me. No.

... Link

:: Holey tongue ::


I lost my tongue bar today, and trying to find a place that sells them in the Dominican Republic is like.. well.. you have more chance of finding snow.

No way am I going to let piercing close up, but what can I do? I could improvise with a paperclip I suppose. Oh man, this truly is a bum situation.

Any donations of a 13mm steel bar with two balls (plastic, size - small) will be gratefully accepted at the following address;

Casa Bummed Out
#8 Flucking Humid Today Street

today's efforts
sleeping ****
exercising *
veggie-ing ***
watering *****
handwashing *****
laughing *****

... Link

:: Sorry - it's not accepted ::

Mortified I was. I was on a shopping 'spree', that is I was up for buying things in more than one shop in one go.. and I was going good, I had managed one shop, I was hot but not stressed - and then my card was refused. I found out (the embarrassing way!) that my account has a daily withdrawal limit of $750. In pounds that's £22.04!!! How crazy! It's not like things are that different here, you pay the say price for practically everything, especially since import prices have gone sky high. How can they put a £22 limit on a checking account?? That's the price of a blouse for flip's sake.

Next week is Semana Santa (Easter week) so I plan to spend the whole time withdrawing my £22 every day so that perhaps I can get a decent shop in by the end of my holiday...

today's efforts
sleeping ***
exercising ****
veggie-ing ****
watering ***
handwashing **
laughing ***

... Link

:: Holey Tree ::

I walked past a huge tree today that somebody had repeatedly set fire to. There was a hole right through it's trunk so big that it has created a kind of fireplace effect. Still, high up in the tree's branches, lush green leaves were blowing in the wind. Amazing how nature copes huh?

today's efforts
sleeping ***
exercising ****
veggie-ing ****
watering ***
handwashing **
laughing ***

... Link

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