Story Archive April 21, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Tuesday, 22. April 2003
:: Dumped again ::

Or did I dump him? It's hard to tell. So anway, once again I trudge back to spectacular spinsterville with my tail between my legs and accept singledom all over again. I hope to flip I can find someone to while out the rest of my days with, 'cos it's flipping lonely on my own. I sound like an old woman huh? Well, it's dawning on me that I only have a couple of Caribbean months left before I have to head on back to Old Blighty. The sun'd better bloody be out when I get back I'm telling you. So here's your notice Sun Gods.. I should be going back around July-ish.

... note to self; today you chewed two nails off in a fit of nervous stress and chewed all the others off in a bout of depression, so you now have STUBBY FINGERS. Don't do it again. Also, this will serve as a marker to tell how long it takes for the flipping things to grow back again. note to self over ...
... note to self #2, it is now the end of MAY and your nails have only just grown to normal length again.

today's efforts
sleeping ***
exercising ****
veggie-ing ***
watering ****
handwashing *
laughing *

... Link

:: Easter ::

A couple of people asked me if I got a chocolate egg on the weekend..

No they dont do chocolate eggs at easter here. What they do is turn off all music and general good humour on Good Friday and wait for it.. mourn the death of Jesus. Then the mourning period lasts until the Sunday when everyone kind of goes 'Jesus this/Lord that/Happy Easter/Lets go to bed early'. Religion is messed up if you ask me.

today's efforts
sleeping ***
exercising ****
veggie-ing ***
watering ****
handwashing *
laughing *

... Link

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