Story Archive May 4, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Sunday, 4. May 2003
Torrid Tim

So, last Wednesday, I was teaching S3 - quite a new class of twenty or so 8, 9 and 10 yr olds.

About halfway through my riveting explanation of family members via a hastily drawn family tree (or crooked bush to be truthful), I noticed that fat, rather dim, but very sweet Tim seemed to have developed itchy thigh disease. As he was sat against the back wall in the middle he was directly in my line of vision.

Unperturbed, I carried on until two minutes later. When casting another cursory glance his way, I realised that the itch he was scratching was less thigh-based and far higher up than first suspected. I stared a little more and my worrying assumption was proved correct. Under his desk, the little tyke was pulling his plonker out through the leg of his shorts for all he was worth.

The next two minutes consisted of me humiliating the boy in front of all his classmates by sticking my finger through my fly, waving it around and exclaiming 'My name's Tim!'. I don't think he'll traumatise me like that again.

... Link

SARS update: Phil pretty affected

I don't mean 'affected' in a snotty, nose in the air way. I mean, one kid at Phil's school got a fever so they closed the whole place for 14 days!

Health inspectors arrived and took everyone's addresses and phone numbers (apart from Phil mind you - like the rest of us, he doesn't know his address, so the Police won't be able to check he's not going out too much!).

On one hand I'm praying one of our kids feels a bit hot too. On the other, Phil won't get any pay for those two weeks and he stands a good chance of grasping insanity with both hands and screaming gibberish at it. Huwei does that to you after a while.

... Link

First things first...

My favorite t-shirt for a while... (excuse my US spelling - you should hear me say tomatoes!)



Wendy's fellow

I'm famous naughty boy in the world


Don't you know that?

And, so...

I tell you... my
love ice cream


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