Story Archive May 10, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Saturday, 10. May 2003
:: Every now and then ::

I am struck with the enormity of how much I love teaching, and how much I want to be a teacher for ever. Teaching kids is exactly what I want to do. Need to do.

And every now and then I catch up on some sleep, too.

today's efforts
sleeping *****
exercising ****
veggie-ing ****
watering ****
handwashing **
laughing ****

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Dogs again

80% of the dogs you see in Huwei are kept in traditional Taiwanese pet fashion... namely in a cage just big enough for them to turn around in.

In the main the dogs are small and rather trashy looking (note to self - can a dog look trashy?), but this home-is-a-cage approach applies to bigger beasties too.

It's quite distressing to see when you're used to dogs being treated as the centre of attention and spoiled to death.

Cilla wouldn't have stood for such abuse!

Oh, and as a completely seperate and quite bizarre aside, you know how some songs remind you of times and people? Well, it turns out, I just CANNOT hear Take That's 'Back for Good' without thinking of my second year at Uni and a certain 3 people I lived with. I've tried listening to it and thinking about pork pies smothered with baked beans, or fast cars crashing into jelly houses... anything really, nothing works.

(Told you it was bizarre - damn good pop tune though...)

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