Story Archive June 24, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Tuesday, 24. June 2003
:: Mountains and spiders ::

So, a group of students, parents and I went up into the mountains and stayed in a gorgeous house only accessible by four wheeler. It was a funky journey, but it was well worth it.
As there was no telly or radio, the kids sat around moping for ages, but before long we had we lit a bonfire, ran around, ate a lot, played a particularly souped-up version of hide-and-seek that I know and giggled until 2.30 in the morning. Oh yeah, and we met a tarantula. Then we all stayed in a tiny room of bunk beds that was swealteringly hot and full of mosquitos and other biting bugs, but managed to get a couple of hours sleep.
The next day we hiked up to the top of the mountain in the midday sun to look at some avocados (huh?) and down again and ate macadamia nuts, blueberries and guavas from the trees and bushes. Most of us found we were allergic to one of the plants that we had scrambled through on the slopes though, and our arms turned all red and blotchy. We showered in river water and then played lots of games that made us all sweaty again. Duh. It was a cool weekend, and the birthday cake was yummylicious, and I took lots of photos that I promised the kids I’d put onto a website for them.
And I’m still shattered. Happy though. =)

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