Story Archive December 30, 2003 (Page 1 of 1)

Tuesday, 30. December 2003
Back up North...

Well, it's been around three weeks since I returned and moved to sunny Manchester. The half-expected 'reverse culture shock' hasn't really happened. That could be because I came back to Blighty in July (which was slightly weird as detailed on this site) or because I spent a week roving the country before I moved up to Manc, checking that friends and family were still there and bearing up okay.

Weather-wise, it's certainly been chilly which has been very nice indeed! (Yes, you read that right!) There's something very relaxing about not being in a constant sticky sweat the whole time, and about being caught in the rain without worrying your hair will fall out. Other points worth noting are that I haven't once shouted "No Chinese!" since I returned, though I did thank a shop worker in Chinese, much to their bemusement.

Am I missing teaching? Don't be silly. Am I missing the kids? Well one class maybe (my small K1 blighters), largely they sent me a package full of rather cute Christmas cards!

Manchester is as expected... bustling, lots going on, lots to do, lots of money requred to enjoy it all. My career situation at present is hardly that of a high-flyer, temping as I am at Central Library. This is a stop-gap however, whilst I track down some serious permanent work that doesn't involve fannying around with invoices whilst fighting off sleep.

Manchester triathlon club hath been joined and is very hardcore indeed, as hoped. I've also found a music shop to practice sax in, owned by an 84-year old ex-professional saxophonist who's a mine of information and grand lad to boot.

Couple of quick and utterly abysmal jokes for ya:

- Why does Edward Woodward have four D's in his name?
- Because if he didn't, he'd be called E-Wah-Woo-Wah

- What is ET short for?
- He's only got little legs!

It's the way I type 'em.

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