:: I am a big shiny happy beetroot ::

Friday, 13. September 2002
:: I am a big shiny happy beetroot ::

After seventeen gruelling hours of travel including 9 of them on a smelly Boeing next to a (ahem) charming woman who apparently hadn't of personal space, I stepped rather glamorously through the doors of Puerto Plata airport and Wham! It hit me.

"This is a joke" I thought,"They must have used some really dodgy architecture in this entrance-way, it's turned it into a huge oven."

No Jess, it really is that hot. And so I immediately turned into a shiny beetroot and here I am now, bright pink and writing this on the eve of my first night in the DR, hoping that my 'daggars' glaring techniques are working on the mosquitos in here because I haven't got any spray.

Everything has been a haze since landing, due to sheer exhaustion, the heat and my lack of Spanish. Funny how Windows is simple to work out in any language though. I have noticed loads of brightly coloured buildings and tropical plants and people who wash your windscreen when you don't want them to though, so one eye is open at least.

Oh my word I'm shattered, so I will have to post another entry with more detail, because now all I can think of is bed and the beautiful glass of iced rum that has been put in front of me.

This is the life :)

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