:: First day at school ::

Saturday, 14. September 2002
:: First day at school ::

Hehe, nothing can prepare you! Thank goodness the noisiest, rowdiest kids are not in my classes.

Today I sat in with a lovely teacher so that I could get to know the class a little before next week. And they're really cool! They don't complain (much) about subjects they don't like, the (mostly) do their homework and they are really well behaved. At least today they were! Altogether a fab class, and such personalities! I'm over the moon!

On Monday I will teach my other class for the first time - these are the kids I don't know yet - I have a long weekend ahead of planning etc.

But... how knackered am I?? These next few weeks I think will be the most tiring yet challenging of my life. God knows how I will get through it. But I will.

For those of you hoping to catch me online, I haven't worked messenger out yet, but bear with me.

¡Ouch! Another wicked mosquito. I am peppered with bites, the biggest on my arm with the swelling as big as my eye socket!!!

I went to the mall tonight for some fantastic airconditioned shopping and Pizza Hut, yummy. Will have to make that a regular thing I think. I need to learn how to converse in Spanish though, it's so embarassing!

Ooh - I was met by a big orange lizard in my room this evening, first one I've seen. So cute! Hope he stays around for a bit (the spider left). (I think).

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