The preparation begins...

Saturday, 14. September 2002
The preparation begins...

Sept 14

Well, as Jess has been rather dominating this site with her most exciting entries, here's my starter for 10.

A gripping tale of overseas of travel it is NOT, but I'll try to hint at some of the preparation required for such a year out, should anyone want to know...

TRAINING: back in January I completed a very intensive starter TEFL certificate. This was by no means the CELTA qualification, but it was great for learning some teaching basics, scribbling down plenty of lesson ideas, and meeting a fab group of people all looking to change their lives, if only for a year (one of whom I'll be living and working with in a month's time!).

Should this year go well it is in my mind to do the CELTA course when I come back to the UK for a month (hopefully providing me with wider travel options, better teaching skills and greater earning potential). Details of the certificate I completed (and more inspiring ' leave the uk ' type stories) can be found at If in doubt, ring grab the number from the site and ring Sue - she's a font of information and encouragement.

This is Taiwan-specific. To work there as a foreigner you need a BA degree (mine's in Music and, erm, Business) but at least my work since then has related to written English - editor, press officer, PR etc.

Other essential documentation: Initial 2-month VISA (from Embassy in London) - this is extended once you are working over there, and a written job offer from a school (for said VISA).

ALSO TO SORT: plane tickets (obviously!) - a return cost me £746!, insurance for valuables (i.e. in my case a vintage 1956 Conn saxophone - just bought!), and cancelling a whole load of UK stuff like car ins, mobile phones, Direct Debits and serious stuff (I've never had to be so organised!).

So, I'm trotting down to London next week to get my VISA - the Embassy's only open weekday mornings so I have to apply Thursday morning and go back a day later to get the Visa. Ah the convenience!

Sorry it's not the most exciting entry, but I know a couple of readers may be mooching over the idea of doing TEFL so I hope this will be helpful at some point.

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