:: Lo siento, pero no hablo español ::

Friday, 27. September 2002
:: Lo siento, pero no hablo español ::

OK, so I had a parents evening last night. I'm fine.

OK, so I can't speak Spanish to the parents. That's fine.

OK, so I have taught one grade for 7 days in total, and the other grade for 2 days. It's still fine.

Well excuse me, but It's NOT Fine!!

I was so worried about it and I was so ashamed that I could not communicate with the parents of the students I am teaching. :(
I wish I could speak Spanish. Oh well, the feedback I got was that I was very nice, very friendly (must learn Spanish) and that they are pleased that their children have their english teacher from England. At least they got that I am nice! Hope they liked me - they seemed to at least.

Aside from that I smiled a lot and stuck out like a great white sore thumb. I swear some people think I glow in the dark because my skin is so white. Haha. Not stressing my skin by tanning it though, so people had better just shade their eyes!

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