Woken at 6am by builders outside my window yelling at each other and clanging scaffolding pipes about. Every morning this happens, even Sunday!
Then my alarm clock decides to be half an hour slow.
After that, supervising recess and lunch at school with no help from anyone else leaves me frazzled.
Then I snapped at the students (arrrgh) when they got too much.
It's also hot. Very hot.
The classroom stinks of vinegar after a science experiment, the students were incredibly ijjity (just made it up, but it seems to fit), and my lack of prep made everything ten times harder to deal with.
Add to this that I was ordered Jessi do this, Jessi do that all day, and you know how I hate to be told what to do....
And of course horrific hormone overload from PMT and I guess there are the ingredients for One Bad Day For Jessi.
Thank god for this long cool glass of Pepsi Twist and as much ice as it will hold.
Happy now.
This Sprogblog has been active for 8249 Days... Last updated: 12/28/03, 9:01 PM