The beach was great! We stayed in a fancy hotel, ate fancy food and there was even fancy dancy in the discoteque. Excellent!!
We travelled up to Puerto Plata with a load of other English teachers on Friday morning, and then spent the day taking part in workshops and coffee breaks and lunch and workshops and then we all got dressed and partied!!
There was a bonfire on the beach and a disco in the hotel and lots and lots of rum and coke.
The next day was more workshops but only until lunchtime, and then it was more partying basically... It's so much fun being a teacher =) Hehe
I NEED to go back and spend more time at the beach I have decided...
Much more fun than staying at home slogging through lesson plans, which is today's itinerary... groan.
P.S. While I was in the hotel I noticed that they sold British newspapers, so I picked up The Sun (only one left). Oh my lord I forgot how dreadful that paper is!
This Sprogblog has been active for 8249 Days... Last updated: 12/28/03, 9:01 PM