CVS Mineral Water - Who Cares?

Tuesday, 5. November 2002
CVS Mineral Water - Who Cares?

Fab tag line for a product eh? I'm on the lookout for more still...

Well, I've been so busy I've not had a moment to log on, but now I've discovered the cheapest net cafe in the world (10 NT dollars, or around 20p for half an hour), my entries should get a little more regular...

School is good and bad and all things inbetween. I keep telling myself (and my boss supports me in this notion) that I've only been faking this profession for two weeks so I can't expect miracles. Well my youngest class are certainly not reacting like I'm creating miracles, but some of the older classes are going okay (I think one group actually likes me, and that's after an impromptu spelling test!).

As for the young 'uns, they still seem to be expecting Aileen (their very talented previous teacher) to reappear and blow me up on the spot and as such are being very testy (I think the word is EVIL!). So, as of Friday no nonsense will be tolerated I'm afraid. Big mean teacher Matt has arrived (though only when absolutely necessary, I'd rather have a giggle tha knows!).

What else can I tell y'all then? (sorry, slipped into redneck speak there, won't happen again...). Well Sunday was a nice day... myself, Claire and Todd cycled out of town for an hour to a big Buddha temple (in the shape of a Buddha no less) in the sun, though coming back was against the wind all the way, so that was heavy going.

As for mountain biking potential here, the West plain of Taiwan (i.e. where I live) is just that, plain. It has never SEEN a slope! It would take I think 2 or 3 hours, I think, to get to the foot of the mountains by bike. If I could track down an English guide to what tracks are rideable, maybe I'd risk it, but then I don't have the bike for it (I might dent my basket and then where would I be?). When I think of a way around said problems I'll be back dribbling on about it though...

As for other pastimes, it seems you can't skydive in Taiwan. I'm not sure whether it's legal or not (I've even emailed aeronautical people in the capital Taipei to double check). Bummer. It's weird for a Brit like me to think there are still so many countries where it's illegal (the editor of US magazine Skydive told me as much in another email... you see I have been busy!).

Otherwise, Lizanne my S.African flatmate is leaving at the end of the month, though her replacement at work (a 27-yr old chap from the same place called Phillip) may yet move in to ease the rent burden (ha! As if! 80 squid a month!).

Claire has had her hair chopped, I'm intending to get a bit of length into mine and go ragtag moppish (nice!), and I'm getting fit again (jumping rope, lots of swimming in a huge new pool that very few people use, complete with sauna, steam room, hot tubs, herbal tubs etc. etc.) and I'm even cooking at home (ah, pasta!).

Isn't it funny - how when you sit in front of a webpage that needs updating your mind goes as Blanc as a French chef.

Guess that's it for now. More soon. Roll on Sunday!

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