:: EOTW ::

Friday, 8. November 2002
:: EOTW ::

There goes another beautiful, hot, busy week in the Dominican Republic.

It's been good to get back into teaching again after the science fair last week. Nice to get some kind of normality back.

The tailor who made my uniforms brought the pieces in today for a fitting and he was amazed at how much weight I've lost. He said I have lost 5" off my bust alone since he measured. I'm wasting away! (Actually no, but the running total is now 33 lbs off)

The uniforms are completely gross though. I look like a cross between a missionary, a nun and a sergeant major. I'll take some posey photos and post them for you. =)

I'm off dancing tonight with the girls from school - I'll update on that tomorrow. Should be a laugh. Thing is, I don't know if I've said already, but the dancing here is not the kind of dancing we're used to. People actually dance in pairs here. Holding each other and everything. Ooerr... I'll pick it up eventually. Then tomorrow I'm going out with someone else. We'll see how that goes too.

Love to everyone. Especially anyone I haven't emailed recently. I'm sorry I'm so busy. I will get it together I promise.


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