Dead phone...

Monday, 11. November 2002
Dead phone...

... which means that the great new product catchphrases I spied in Taichung yesterday can't be uploaded yet. Bear with me though, 'cos there's a coffee shop one that's still making me giggle.

Yesterday, yup, we visitied Taichung (Taiwan's 2nd biggest city). The risk-of-getting-lost factor rose by about 10 going somewhere that big... I'm just glad I wasn't on my own... It's a huge place and, I was glad to discover, includes a park in which shedloads of Westerners get together at the weekend for a game of footie (that's my next few Sundays sorted then).

On mooching through Taichung, we came across the Taichung Pet Exchange. Sounds strange? It was. A few cages in the city centre containing puppies, cats, rabbits etc. People, it seems, just swap pets when they don't want their own particular beast any more, or maybe they just fancy a newer model. Really weird. As Clare put it, if she was going to be reincarnated as a dog, she'd prefer it to be in England thanks - the owners here just have no loyalty!

On the food front (my fave hobby at the moment), I've discovered Papayas. Long, cyclindrical green things that should be, I think, slightly squidgy to the touch. You slice 'em down the middle, scoop out the pips and get busy in a Melon-eating-stylee. They smell like musty poo but they taste just so.

On the school front, blimey it's Monday again... these one-day weekends are gone in the blink of a sleepy eye.

The little kids were better today (i.e. I was better planned and had more activities and games to throw at them). However, another class on Thursdays who are actually older are v.tricky. There are about 22 kids in the group, about half of them little irksome oiks, and in 3 weeks we've all got to do a DEMO lesson, which is where their parents come to watch an exhibition lesson and marvel at how badly their new teacher is performing. Should be all kinds of fun, I can't wait (ha-ha!).

I get paid in 5 days and have now, I think, exhausted all money lending opportunities. I could spend SO much money on clothes here... although I'm glad I'm male on that front (otherwise, frilly girlie kitch creations seem to be the only possible option).

That's if for now folks, but when my phone is up and alive you can expect some great promo-speak, Taiwan-style!

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