:: Concentration? Sorry? ::

Thursday, 5. December 2002
:: Concentration? Sorry? ::

Ew. Teacher's planning day yesterday. That means no kids, and plenty of work to do.. and...

I could NOT concentrate. I sat at my desk with a mountain of books in front of me, I can barely see over them, and I twiddled my red ink Papermate 'med pt' pen in my fingers. Amazing how absorbing running the edge of the lid under your thumbnail is. Must remember to include it in my list of "Incredible Things I Have Done In My Life". Well, it certainly seemed worth every ounce of my attention at the time.

The pile in front of me was (cringe) backlogged marking to do, the empty lesson plan books for December and some half completed grade books. All highly important stuff that needed doing by the end of the day. I wish I could be one of these people who can just knuckle down and do the tedious stuff, but some days, ya know, it just aint gonna happen.

Ah well.

Ooh! Went up to a place in the mountains on Sunday. It was fantastic!! Have to be going there again I think..

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