Merry Christmas

Wednesday, 25. December 2002
Merry Christmas

Hi everyone.

Christmas lunchtime and I'm just heading to school. I hope everyone's hangovers aren't too bad and you all have a great day!

Update: our Xmas meal last Saturday gave 3 teachers (including Clare) pretty bad food poisoning. How festive... as I just drank beer at the meal, I'm feeling okay.

I got in last night after work and a private lesson and the four of us Western folk watched Meet Joe Black (a tedious Brad Pitt slushfest of a film), then Todd, Phil and I decided to grab a bite to eat, which turned into a quick beer, which turned into visiting the dentist Paul (at around midnight this is), drinking Scotch and Dramboui, followed by peanuts and beer at a 24-hour pool hall. Thus I feel a little delicate today.

Only 8 hours and three lessons to go and we're off to a night cafe/diner place in Jie-ee (that's how it sounds anyway) - about an hour's drive away thanks to the dentist. This evening will probably involve more tasty snacks, more beer and many games of Mallet's Mallet (I bought Phil an inflatable hammer to help him with his English and amuse us all - an inspired choice I thought).

Opened some great presents from my folks and friends today - some LUVVERLY decorations, a real metal kazoo, a reindeer key ring that dumps chocolate poo (that's the kids' prize today then!) and all manner of other little amusements, including a fantastic funk CD and more. Thanks to everyone who sent things. They really did help this morning feel more festive and every single present was very well chosen indeed.

Must plough on for now. Here's to the end of this hangover and the creation of the next.

Merry Christmas!

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