:: Recipe for a big smile ::

Sunday, 12. January 2003
:: Recipe for a big smile ::

Like, Wow.

You have to try this, especially if you are a vegetarian in a highly carnivorous country, or have been suffering culture shock food-wise that you have lost 50 pounds recently. In my case both apply so you should see the grin of satisfaction stretching across my mush at the moment.

First, chop up some courgette and onion into huge chunky pieces and out them in a pan with some oil and cooked rice with a lid on until they are softened and starting to brown. Then mix up an egg, some milk, salt and fresh basil and pour over the top of the veggies. Sprinkle some chunks of dutch cheese on the top and put the lid back on. Leave it. And leave it some more. In fact leave it until the egg is starting to crisp up on the bottom, is cooked on the top, and the cheese has melted into pools on the top. Now serve with some cold tomato salad and prepare for a mini rocket launch to heaven.

Like I said. Like - Wow. =)

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