:: Nearly the weekend.. =) ::

Thursday, 16. January 2003
:: Nearly the weekend.. =) ::

I'm so excited it's nearly Friday! I'm going to have some fun, do some relaxing, see the man, eat some food, drink some drink.. Life doesn't get better. =) The sky is spectacular this evening, there are clouds, and they are pink and grey and heavy, and the moon is so big it looks like it is swollen.

It will be a full moon tomorrow, so I think some night-sky gazing is in order. Ho yes.

So, I am sitting here with my feet in a bowl of vinegar and water, munching on a tomato while a dozen mosquitoes have a good go at whatever bare skin they can find on me. Not an earth-shaking revelation, but I thought I'd share it. Everytime I sit at this keyboard I forget all the interesting things that I think of during the day to share with you. Blogging impotence. Ah well. Here's something interesting - The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns. Imagine.

And yes, I did tell that to the students.

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