:: Men are and mosquitos ::

Saturday, 25. January 2003
:: Men are and mosquitos ::

Wooooooo. Today the title up top look seven more fuzzy. Guess what Jessi was doing last night? Hehe.

So, I went out with B last night and we had a blast. The monument was closed off for some reason, so we went to a bar instead. Man I've never been more happy to taste a Presidente (beer) in my life. It was a special moment!! We went on to another bar after that where there was young people dancing, and then another place after that. Loads of beer, loads of music and loads of dodgy blokes.

I still can't get the hang of this dancing business. I can cope with the moves (need lessons though - am starting next week on salsa! Woohoo!) no, it's the accepting/declining dances. You see I don't know if I've explaned it or not, but here they dance in pairs and you only dance if someone comes up and asks you to at the beginning of the song. Oh yeah, and you can't leave halfway through the song. Anyway, I have been told that it's really rude to turn a man down when he has asked you to dance, and this means that I've ended up dancing with some right dodgy people - some are always trying to pull you close (real close) and you have to keep pushing them away. Some men are OK, and it's cool when someone asks you to dance and they are a good dancer themselves. But is it really bad to say no to a dance if you don't like the look of a man? I need to find out.

Ooh, on another note. I am trying to be as un-smelly as possible for a while. This is because I have found out the mosquitos are very poorly sighted and can find you primarily through smell. So if you smell strongly (good or bad!) then you have a much greater chance of attracting the little beggars. So I've stopped using perfume, deodorant, skin cream etc. - I've even switched to a neutral soap. Let's see if it works. My poor whiter than white legs and arms are peppered with bites all the time. So attractive. And so comfortable.

That's all for now. I have a beautiful hangover to nurse. I wish you were here.

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