:: So after ::

Sunday, 2. February 2003
:: So after ::

curling up in a ball, listening to radiohead and drinking lots of booze I feel a lot better. OK that was a couple of days ago, but it still counts.

The weather here has been on and off, light rain, heavy rain, lightning, etc. and then in the middle of it all a patch of blue sky and brilliant sunshine. Wierd. Makes you appreciate the good weather even more. Still makes me miss England every time the sky clouds over though! Hehe.

At the moment I am missing England for - family and friends of course, cold weather, warm showers, warm baths, tea, fish and chips, clothes shopping, pubs and Spar. Yes, I said Spar. I have a Spar carrier bag in my knicker drawer that got brought along in my suitcase last September and every time I see it I dream of; clean aisles full of attractively packaged goods, endless discounts and promotions, helpful staff in red and green uniforms, the magazine rack, the vegetable display, the ready-made sandwiches, the smell of pasties and cooked chickens, and every word you could possibly read in the shop is in glorious technicolour English. Funny the things you miss.

So, I'll leave my bizarre, wistful, sentimental ramblings safely on the screen here, and go off and see my real, actual, gorgeous, here-in-the-flesh boyfriend instead. In lovely new red shoes I might add. Shoe shopping is wonderful isn't it? I don't mean to be so shallow, but even the most deep and spiritual person can't help feeling the sheer ecstasy of walking into a shoeshop, and walking out again in less than five minutes with two pairs of gorgeous shoes at fantastic prices. Excellent, darn it.

Anyway the mossies are sucking my ankles dry, must go before I lose a foot or something. Laters.. =)

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