:: Annoying teacher ::

Sunday, 23. February 2003
:: Annoying teacher ::

First off, sorry. I have tried to post every day for the last few days, but the net is too slow at the moment.

And so. The students have been acting up recently. Little things, nothing serious, it's been quite funny really. And then I found this!;


How to annoy your teacher.

Ask to go to the bathroom every 10 min.

Keep dropping your pencil/pen on the floor and say clumsy me

Slam your book against the floor

Get up and blow your nose everytime they are up teaching you.

Everytime they cough you cough too


Gee thanks guys!!

Also today - I have just been told that two Christmas cards have arrived for me. It is February 22nd. The postal service out here is impressive.

Edit: The christmas cards really were christmas cards! They were postmarked 16th December in the UK and then 22nd February in the Dominican Republic - they must have been brought over by kayak. Thanks Rachel and Gaz, and Mike and Claire, I miss you, and Merry Christmas!

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