:: Sob, sniffle, sniff ::

Saturday, 15. March 2003
:: Sob, sniffle, sniff ::

Whoopee. (Sarcasm) Tonight has been fun.

My boyfriend ex-boyfriend behaved so badly this evening that I had to tell him the relationship was over. Yep. He was that bad (I know – two/tango/etc.) that I couldn’t see any future with someone who can pull a strop in two seconds flat and act like a four year old in a temper for two and a half hours. Man! So I had to do the dirty.

It has been building up for a while though - his behaviour has been such a turn off and I’ve been hoping it would get better, but it didn’t. I’ve never met anyone like him, and in grave danger of sounding too in-the-aftermath-bitter-and-resentful I’ve got to say… Oh my god! I’ve never met such an immature and selfish person! So really its a good thing that we have finished, I wouldn’t have been able to cope in the long run. Why do the best looking ones always turn out to be such *******s?

And so the relationship is dead, long live the relationship.

On the upside (more sarcasm) I took my mother to the airport tonight for her return flight to the UK, so there’s something else to feel a wee bit sad about, too.

“This evening” she said in her best west country accent, “I shall be mostly wearing big puffy eyes and smeared mascara”.

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