:: Last night ::

Saturday, 12. April 2003
:: Last night ::

I watched telly with a frog. A big, kinda beige coloured frog who obviously just wanted company and decided I could provide it. =) It sat on the seat next to me and in return for my (delightful) company, provided me with a completely unresponsive conversational partner. In other words.. I talked to a frog while watching the telly last night.


Anyway, I don't think it was actually watching it, I mean do frogs like trashy American TV?

P.S. The ex called me this morning and wants to get together to 'talk'. I said yes, because it is on the way to a party I am going to tonight, but I think he is planning something. Am I a fool? I am trying my hardest to build up a good friendship with the guy, don't want to offend him. On the other hand, I don't want to leap into a slushy reunion. Mind you, if I've started talking to frogs maybe I need to get me a life. Especially when I start to write about it on the net. Oh piddle.

today's efforts
sleeping *****
exercising ***
veggie-ing ****
watering **
laughing ****

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