:: No more. Please. ::

Monday, 14. April 2003
:: No more. Please. ::

I'm a sucker when it comes to this dentist lark. I found myself gazing up at the horrid strip lights again this morning, while the guy prodded and poked and made me bleed. Our lack of a common language is a bit of a bugger, and every time he ends up doing quite the opposite of what I think he's going to.

I have got to admit, even though I'm one of these practical, down-to-earth types who doesn't even flinch when faced with blood/needles etc. I do tend to freak a little when it's going on in my mouth. Dunno why, but I'm not alone, am I? So when he pulls out the big hyperdermic I spin into a mini hyperventilation. OK, I only got freaked, but the nail scissors come out next and I begin to shake and squirm.. whenever he uses these his mouth does this weird chewing/concentration thingie and that's just plain scary. So then out comes the scalpel. He uses this to saw bits off instead of cut them. I am in a state of mild panic by now, and I am shaking uncontrollably, sweating and crying and everyone is looking rather concerned.. apparently at the lack of blood in my hands (eh?).

Ok so after about an hour of this I have stayed conscious, calmed down to a state of nervous anxiety and thankfully stopped blubbing. Satan The dentist seems to be wrapping it up a bit now. The blood gush has lessoned to an occasional spurt and my face is being mopped up. Thank god. And out comes... a needle and thread! WHAT THE??? You've cut me up so badly you have to stitch it together?? What the **** have you been doing in there?? Well folks this was the final straw. I managed to hold onto my bladder for the last 15 minutes while he practiced his needlecraft - not an easy feat as the anaesthetic seems to have worn off in the last hour that he has been fooling around, but I was truly and utterly unhinged. I went into shock from that point on, and have been ever since. I managed to mumble my address to a taxi driver and get back home, fill a woolly sock with ice and press it to my face while I wrote this one-handed. And now I am going to crawl into a corner and feel very sorry for myself.

today's efforts
sleeping **
exercising **
veggie-ing *
watering ****
handwashing **
laughing *

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