:: Confession time ::

Sunday, 20. April 2003
:: Confession time ::

OK, so I haven't said anything about it yet (BAD jessi) but I have been kinda seeing the ex. We got pretty close again last week, and have been out a couple of times. Only thing is, I'm not into rekindling the old relationship we used to have, and I needed to let him know.

He on the other hand seemed to think that we could just pick up where we left off and everything would be peaches and cream. So not the case. So I got together with him this afternoon and had a 'we have to define our relationship' chat. Boy did he take it badly! I thought all men would love to hear things like "let's keep it casual" and "I'm not ready to commit" after all these phrases seem to slip easily off their tongues. I was so wrong. Oh well, at least he now knows where he stands.

In other news, I have a stinking hangover today from a late night session with some wicked girls from New Jersey. (Thanks girls) Hope you enjoyed your visit to the Domincan Republic and your flight was good. xx

today's efforts
sleeping *
exercising *****
veggie-ing ***
watering *****
handwashing ***
laughing *****

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