Hello? Anyone there?

Monday, 21. April 2003
Hello? Anyone there?

Ha! The slacker returns!

Today is my first official day off in 6 months (bar a couple when I was projectile vomiting, but you don't need to know any more about that do you?).

Thus I decided to take today off, do a little internet work that my 6-day weeks don't give me time to do, and generally download some chilled tunes and relax.

So, what's new in Taiwan? Well, everyone is stressing to death about SARS, despite the fact that as far as I can work out more people across the world have probably died this year from tripping over their own feet... (nearly did it myself last week thanks to a top-of-the-stairs, just-woken-up wobble).

Otherwise, school is moving along slowly. I'm currently debating whether after I return to Blighty in July for Nicky's wedding (as originally planned) I will or won't come back here.

Not because I'm desperately sad, hate Taiwan etc. (which I don't at all), just because I'll be debt-free and itching to plough more time into my own online ventures - not killing myself so that once a month each of my students can stare at me with a v.confused expression when I ask them - 'What is this/that? Come on, you know the answer... I just told you... What do you mean your name's Nail?' (that's true, one of the boys has just that moniker, the lucky pup).

Oh, I've just scanned a couple of great pics from the last group outing to Kenting two or three wks back, which are below.

I'll write more soon, I promise! Jess, hope your mouth is healing. I have similar dental adventures to come in the next couple of weeks.

This pic: everyone on the way home after a weekend of vodka, swimming and sun (not necessarily in that order). L-R Jackie (Clare's Taiwanese friend), Andrew (Todd's new English teacher flatmate), Phil, Todd, me, Clare, Nicky & Renee)...

Next pic: Todd the Flasher (featuring 'Impressed Nicky', 'Distraught Matt', 'Local Lunatic Phil').

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