:: The morning after ::

Saturday, 26. April 2003
:: The morning after ::

Woke up fully clothed, full make up, lights left on and my discman still on my head.

I fell asleep dancing again didn't I?

So anyway, this morning I missed my dentist appointment, scheduled a new one, had the coldest, harshest shower, tried to limit the floods of 'I-just-remembered-what-I-did-last-night-s' to small doses and poured a cup of Dominican ginger tea. Oh yummy scrummy. I also cleared away the pile of CDs I had obviously demolished while selecting the beat of the hour last night and cleared away the empty can of tuna(!) and soda cracker wrapper - I must've been hungry when I got home.

Don't you just love morning afters? Complete lack of co-ordination or organization, spinning head, eyeballs like cactus skin, funky smelling clothes and a ridiculous appetite for protein. Is that just me? I am still veggie, so I guess it might be.

The best thing about morning afters in the Dominican Republic is opening the windows to air the room. You are greeted by the softest breeze, streaming sunshine, the bluest skies and a whacking great palm tree that looms 30ft up in the air outside your room. Kinda puts things into perspective, I can tell you.

Right now though, I must take off the make up that has forgotten to wash itself off. I'm a little scared of what's lurking underneath..

today's efforts
sleeping *
exercising *****
veggie-ing *
watering ***
handwashing ***
laughing *****

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