:: Come Dancing ::

Saturday, 26. April 2003
:: Come Dancing ::

Last night I danced. With men. To a band.

It was fun, but I wonder if it'll ever be like this in England - where people go to 'dances' and the girls sit and wait to be asked to dance. When a man approaches a girl, the couple hold hands to walk to the dancefloor, and then hold each other to dance. Oh wait, it did used to be like that. About fifty years ago.

It really is bizarre, of all the culture differences you experience when you move to another country, this one has been the hardest to get accustomed to. I just wanna get dressed up, breeze into a club, get onto the dancefloor and do my thang. None of this hanging around waiting for a man to ask you to dance and then only dance for one song (actually some people stay for two, but it gets pretty hot, so objection overruled). I mean, what a waste of time, sitting around when you could be having a party on the dancefloor.

Anyway, quit complaining Jessi, you had fun.

Have I told you about the music/dancing here? The music they play in nightclubs is about 90% merengue, a little salsa, a little bachata and two or three tracks per night of 'american music'. The band last night was playing 'merengue tipico' which is so much faster than the regular stuff. If you don't know what merengue sounds like, download some from Kazaa/imesh etc. Try dancing to it too, it's hilarious the first time you try. Basically, you step from foot to foot with every beat of the music, while swinging your behind like there's no tomorrow. Simple huh? Then of course you should be dancing with the man leading and the girl following, throw in a few turns and twirls (technical terms!) and you are dancing merengue. Woohoo!

When I got home, I think I must've not had enough because apparently (I can't actually remember, Mrs. Vodkaandorangejuice won't let me), I dug out my merengue CDs. As you do. I should've just gone to bed like normal people, I had a dentist appointment booked for 8.00am. Hehehe.

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