Changing Huwei.

Tuesday, 29. April 2003
Changing Huwei.

So, Clare left here yesterday, leaving me the only foreign 'teacher' at my school. That was strange even for just one day... looking over and seeing her empty desk. The Chinese teachers round about are going to get a full dose of my stupid, strangely ironical humour, lucky old them. Thus my schedule for the next month is also turning quite hellish (though I'm obviously staying positive plus it's more cash I guess).

It seems that the more press SARS receives the trickier this new appointment could be to come to fruition, which is a real shame. I'm just going to grin, bear it, try not to get too stressed, and in the meantime, maybe stop perspiring for just five minutes... unlikely really, as someone above has cranked the heat up these last two weeks. It's now at the stage where I lay in (well, on) bed, with the fan on, sweating. Still, this motivates you to go swimming in the cold long length pool lots so I'm getting fitter!

I'm trying to persuade student Cecilia to come to a nearby city on Saturday (I'd write it, but I can't remember the spelling!), to see the Delta Saxophone Quartet, a cutting edge UK ensemble who are over from England. Wish me luck... I really need a bit of giggage, it's been a while!

Will write more very shortly. The first of today's ten teaching hours is about to start.

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ;-)

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