:: Question ::

Friday, 30. May 2003
:: Question ::

What do you do when there's just no time to blog? If your day is so chock full of stuff that you want to write about that you don't have time to write it - how does your blog happen? I am swamped with things going on, and plenty to share. Just no time or energy left to share.

I wish I had just an extra 5 minutes a day (I can hear time management seminars a-calling me from afar) so I could sit down and take stock. After all, isn't that what this on-line lark is about? Of course, this one is primarily intended for keeping in contact with all the loved ones thousands of miles away, but even so, the act of journal keeping for whatever purpose is a good reflecting-on-the-day moment. I'd recommend it to anyone. Anyone with time of course. Which brings my terribly written prose back to square one again; if you have a life to write about then you don't have the time to write it. Man. Other people seem to be able to blog full and exciting (and always witty and entertaining) lives. And they form better sentences too. Life's not fair.

By the way it was the last day of teaching today. Yey! Only reviews and exams and marking and report cards and resits to go. And parties and shopping and sight-seeing and rum drinking and packing and saying bye bye.

today's efforts
sleeping *
exercising *
veggie-ing **
watering **
handwashing ****
laughing *****

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