:: Square eyes and profanities ::

Saturday, 31. May 2003
:: Square eyes and profanities ::

As addicting as the net is, staring at the screen for hours on end when you have a chore to do, is not my idea of fun. And in addition to turning my eyeballs a crimson shade due to over-exposure to the monitor, I have been cursing and swearing and finding myself in NEED of some strong alcohol to calm my nerves. All in the vain hope of finding a ticket home that will cost less than HALF MY YEARLY SALARY. It can't cost that much to cross the Atlantic. It can't! So far, the prices quoted have been between £1,000 and £1,500. Can you believe it? Extortionate, thats what I say. I did manage to find one flight for £748, but even thats one I can't afford. Not on my pesos I can't.

Ah well, gotta keep on searching. Hope you are all enjoying your weekends a little more.

today's efforts
sleeping ****
exercising *
veggie-ing *****
watering ***
handwashing *
laughing *

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