I got the *non-hippy* shakes

Tuesday, 10. June 2003
I got the *non-hippy* shakes

Okay, let's start some kind of diary of 'em, now we've had two earthquakes in two days.

The first, well, it didn't really strike so much as murmur yesterday morning. As I laid in bed trying without success to fight off consciousness, it felt like a very fat man trying to push the mattress across the room (and failing). I could see my music stand start to wobble (I'm on the 13th floor remember), but nothing like during the quake at Christmas.

Today though, oh that was much more fun. About five minutes into my afternoon class (which needed some excitement adding to be fair), the whole room started wobbling - this quake lasted much longer, for maybe two minutes in all. I was only on the second storey this time.

I tried to keep dead still to monitor the affects and the best way I can describe it is this: it's like being stood on one of those moving floors you get in the 'Haunted House' at the fairground.

Obviously massive town-flattening, life-ending shakes are one thing, i.e. not good for anyone concerned, but these Taiwanese rockers are simple fun, even if they do make you feel queasy for a little while afterwards.

Oh, I know it's been a while, so here's a quick update:

* School - it's still there. I'm loving every minute of it. Really, there's no sarcasm involved in that statement. A recently fattened pig on a 'see-it-and-try-it' tour of Mr. Walls's Sausage Factory (Life Cessation Dept.) couldn't be happier.

* Friends and stuff - great. New additions added. Recent weekend knees up with swell English couple led to mucho beer swigging, cigar smoking (I know, what's that about?), dancing like a loon 'til 5am, and two days of hangover...

* Romance - aye, a little of that too.

* Culture - It was Dragon Boat Festival last Wednesday. The nearest location for said race was around an hour's drive away, but we all gave up any intentions of going along, since everyone Taiwanese claimed it was actually really boring and the river stank anyway, so why not watch it on TV? Our TV gave up the ghost weeks ago (a good thing, I'm finding...) so nothing to report there then.

More soon (maybe)... oh, if anyone wants to hear a sick but funny SARS joke, look in the comments beneath this message (it's nasty though, you've been warned)...

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