:: El Niágara en Bicicleta ::

Tuesday, 10. June 2003
:: El Niágara en Bicicleta ::

Here's what I am single handedly (thanks Spanish teacher) organizing for the end of school production.

All of 6th and 7th grade are performing to a soundtrack by Juan Luis Guerra; "El Niágara en Bicicleta". It's entirely in Spanish, but I got some of the students to translate the lyrics, and basically it compares the trials of going to a Third World hospital with crossing the Niagara Falls on a bicycle. Somehow I have to fit a dance/act/comedy sketch around the following lyrics;

I passed out and fell like a fruit. They carried my to the hospital where the receptionist was listening to the lottery (thirty thousand pesos).

"Someone help me!"

A nurse approached and said to my ear "Relax, Bobby, relax" "I must check your pressure but the room is occupied, and there is no electricity for an electrocardiogram".

It is very hard to cross the Niagara on a bicycle.

Don't tell me that the doctors left.
Don't tell me that you don't have anesthesia.
Don't tell me that they drank the alcohol and that
the suture thread was embroidered in a tablecloth.
Don't tell me that the tweezers were lost,
that the stethoscope is at a party, that the X-rays melted,
and that the serum was used to sweeten the coffee.


May god help me.

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sleeping *
exercising *
veggie-ing *
watering *****
handwashing ****
laughing ***

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