:: The End ::

Saturday, 21. June 2003
:: The End ::

That's it. No more students. Well, that's not strictly true, as I will see half of them tomorrow at a birthday party. It was horrible to see them all go today though, one by one. "Bye Miss Jessi" "I'll miss you". I'll flipping miss them too, I can tell you. If there was a scanner that works around here I'd post the pics of the photos, but you may just have to wait till I get home. They're beautiful! All of them! It is heartbreaking to have to say goodbye.

I also had to say final goodbyes to the Ex, too. He called me over this afternoon and said such nice things to me that I burst into tears there and then. I tried to reciprocate his gesture, but it backfired of course due to his knowledge of English. Again. Who knew "my heart aches for you every time I remember what we had" could be construed as something offensive? Apparently it can. It reminded me of how hard it is to say heartfelt things to someone and then spend ten minutes translating it into phrases they understand. It kind of loses the meaning somewhere along the way.

P.S. For those not in the know already, I have a flight via Madrid booked for the 1st/2nd of July. I should be back in West Wales by the Wednesday night. Yep, thats only 10 more short days left in Caribbean paradise.

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