
Thursday, 26. June 2003

Well, in 3 weeks I'll be returning to Blighty for a couple of weeks of family weddings, saxophone summer schools and catching up with those people I've missed. Can't wait!

At present, I'm still the only foreign teacher at our school, though following a big ole' chat with the boss today, it appears there may be two newbies coming in August (fingers crossed and throwing salt over my shoulder here)... the likely couple are both English - one - a rugby-playing Sports Science graduate (i.e. professional beer drinker and potential LAD) and no. 2 - a Chinese-English graphic designer girl from London.

Very little to report I'm afraid. The weather here varies a lot at the moment (rainy season I think) - one day torrential and quite warm, the next humid as hell and amazingly hot (half an hour in the sun and you've sunstroke... it's that simple).

Getting back into exercise (running, believe it or not...) AND sax practice though, so I'm not too guilt-stricken.

More soon... sorry for the lack of input recently. I've been rather busy, as I hope you can all understand.

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