Oh my god this is so distressing. I am going through all my stuff (you know how I like to hoard!) with a bin bag and throwing away anything that is not essential or won’t fit in my suitcase. All my clothes!! It’s painful! All my cosmetics, mosquito repellents, sun creams! Even my knickers are getting chucked. Packing is horrible at the best of times, but this time it feels like I’m packing up a life (and a very nice life at that, thank you very much), and what I can cram into my suitcase is what’s left to accompany me to a cold, harsh new life.
I know, a bit dramatic, but that’s what it feels like. This is the pants bit about moving on.
This Sprogblog has been active for 8249 Days... Last updated: 12/28/03, 9:01 PM