Back in Blighty (briefly)

Monday, 28. July 2003
Back in Blighty (briefly)

Well, after being here for the best part of two weeks, tomorrow I fly back to the kid-infested sauna that is Huwei, Taiwan.

On first arriving back in England, the first thing I noticed was how big, white and hairy people were (meaning I was no longer considered average/tall in height - doh!).

The second was obvious really, namely how expensive everything still is.

The third? How us Brits seem to love queueing. I've got used to barging around in shops in order to pay for things, so being back in British supermarkets where the staff never seem to smile and the queues stretch for miles was weird.

And confusing... I went to buy Jaffa Cakes (didn't realise I missed 'em so much!), but it took me ten minutes to find them because I could read EVERY SINGLE PACKET in the biscuit aisle. Such choice!

And the traffic here is oh so polite (I know, i'm surprised I'm writing that too). All that stopping at red lights and letting people go before you. VERY nice.

Over the course of the last fortnight, I have revelled in the fresh air, and have seen almost everyone I know.

Of course I also went to my cousin's wedding, which was a stunning sunshine-filled day at a country house somewhere outside Wakefield.

The list of things I am supposed to take back to Taiwan for various people was lost almost immediately upon my return, plus I've only been into town in the daytime once, so I hope people will understand.

The weather here has even been pretty good (sunny, but not humid - how novel!).

I'm sure I'll think of loads more, but in the meantime, wish me luck surviving the following flight schedule...

Manchester - Amsterdam - 12.15pm - 2.40pm (followed by a five hour wait!)

Amsterdam - Bangkok - Taipei - 8pm - 5.30pm (next day).

Then - 150 mile bus journey, with changes.

Lovely. See you there!

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