'Janfusun Fancy World'

Tuesday, 19. August 2003
'Janfusun Fancy World'

Last Sunday a few of us drove 40 minutes to the foot of the mountains to visit what amounts to Taiwan's biggest amusement park.

Think of a smaller Alton Towers on a VERY steep hill in really sweltering heat, but packed (and I mean, packed!) with Chinese folk (due it being Sunday, most people's only real day off).

The rides included a vertical drop, a pretty tame rollercoaster, a spinnning viking ship type affair called the Frisbee (which despite our denials actually caused a fair amount of greenness around the gills), and a vertical bungee drop kind of experience (where we were strapped into a cage surrounding a giant metal pole poking up into the sky, then winched up, then dropped - great ride, great view).

The best thing by far, however, was the Guide Map. The English used in this publication was cause for much merriment. Here are some samples - enjoy...

Sky Scraper Fighter (a.k.a. an amusement arcade) - 'enjoy the exciting moment of self-accomplishment as you are competing with computers no matter for dancing, car racing, or sniping'

Frisbee - '360 revolving with 9th grade speedy change and 180 big swing for upside down in the space'

Air Shower - '60 big swings as like the fairy dancing - Wow, your minds are swinging'

Enter Prise - 'Walk on the flying plate as alike for up-side down suddenly to have fun'

Turbo Drop & Space Shot (the latter being the vertical 'bungee type' drop ride mentioned above / the former the opposite) - 'Challenge the non-gravity environment by riding on the space chamber for avalanching suddenly'

And as for those 'non-ride' facilities, check these out...

Harmonyhill Executive Club - 'The best escort place for family and employees having vacations'

Taxi / Bus Stands - 'Wait for here for convenience conveyance'

Piccies at some point hopefully...

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