It's cool at home...

Tuesday, 26. August 2003
It's cool at home...

Well, much to report. Since last time I wrote, I've moved house!

The background goes thus: with new teacher Louise having arrived with no place to stay, the boss decided it would be less hassle in the long run to get all the Jordan's teachers in one apartment. (He also realised that I wouldn't move unless he offered a rent-free place... ah, he's got me sussed!).

So within a few days of his suggestion (and by suggestion I mean... "You are moving Matt!"), we were in! It's a top (9th) floor apartment, very close to the old place (and Renee's).

It has three bedrooms (one is currently unoccupied until a third foreign teacher is concerned), full air conditioning (how I rejoiced!), cable TV, and best of all, as the most senior foreign 'teacher', I get the huge en-suite room! Bargain! Yet there's more... the basement is unused (so no nasty exhaust fumes billowing around) and the doors can be shut - I've therefore a good sax practice venue in which I can murder all manner of scales without the Noise Police turning up and sending me away to somewhere really evil (Walsall springs to mind).

And finally... this Thursday is our school's summer away day (another amusement park visit then, but further afield than the last one). So far afield in fact, that we have to meet at school at 6.30 (I'm visibly wincing just typing that). Still, back for 6.30pm, an evening to recover, then only two days (five lessons) before it's the weekend again. Must remember my sunscreen, shades, MP3 player, gun etc.

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