Quick amendment...

Tuesday, 16. September 2003
Quick amendment...

The old guy apparently doesn't live in the moon, but chills out there. As for the rabbit, I've received no confirmation as to when it arrived up there.

As for Chann Err (my spelling), to answer the question of how she got to the Moon, apparently in her Queenly disgruntlement, she stole an everlasting life potion from the King, which gave her all sorts of juicy side effects (the ability to fly being one of the best). Sorry that bit of crucial info was missing from my earlier yarn, but I've just learnt it.

Oh, so the Moon Festival day. Yes, Louise and I spent the evening with our Taiwanese friend Candy and family. In their yard they had two small BBQs going, serving up standard fare (sickly sweet sausages, pork etc.), and some more obviously Taiwanese additions such as chicken's hearts (they are half the size of your thumb and have a weak liver taste), and chicken's ass (namely the fatty flap of skin that dangles from its posterior). As I said, very fatty and thus tres chewy.

After dinner, we wondered down to the nearest rice field with Candy's cousins and spent a great hour letting off a huge bag full of fireworks, at one point lighting around thirty small rockets from one soda bottle (which soon tipped over and led us to scatter down the road like scared chickens escaping a stressed poultry-ass-chef).

The next day I was off school, feeling very sick indeed (which I put down to the slightly undercooked and frankly nasty sausages. I'll avoid them in future (as I probably will the ass flaps too). An education then...

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