Job update...

Wednesday, 8. October 2003
Job update...

Yesterday, I had my second interview for a full-time teaching job at Davids English Center in Hsinchu (pronounced Shin-Joo).

This consisted of a half-hour 'demo' lesson for four students (who were actually English-speaking David's staff and included the head of English, Kirsty - who interviewed me previously, and the boss of the center 'under an assumed name').

It all went rather well really. I made them laugh (I'm very British apparently), they made me chuckle too, I didn't trip over my own feet or accidentally belch, and then they offered me a job. Jolly good!

I then put my negotiating hat on and managed to get the starting date put back to December 1st. Why? Well, I finish at THIS school (Jordan's) here in Huwei on November 15th, which gives me a week to harass Kirsty at David's into helping me find an apartment and a scooter in Hsinchu, and then the best part of a week to pop across to Thailand, catch up with ex-Jordans teacher Clare, and sit on the beach thinking dreamy thoughts.

All in all, pretty pleased then. Hsinchu is an hour's fast train from the capital, on the coast - a small city with half-decent nightlife, some swimming pools, a gym (I'm scarily happy about that), and so on...

Let's see how slow these next five weeks go then!

Hope y'all well in Blighty. Keep those emails a coming!

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