A few more job details for those that asked...

Friday, 10. October 2003
A few more job details for those that asked...

The new job at David's (English & Japanese) Language Center is full time (teaching hours being 12 noon to 9pm Mon-Fri and 10-3 Saturday). Note - I won't teach all these hours or even be in school at these times... these are the hours that my lessons will definitely fall between. If I don't have class, there's no need to be in school, or anywhere else for that matter.

I'll maybe still teach one kids class per week. That I can just about handle (my one weekly chance to act like a total baffoon, without embarassment).

The rest of the classes are adults and company workers. Afternoon classes will usually be at school and evening classes across town at the Science Park (computer chip firms etc. - best to picture it as a Taiwanese Silicon Valley / Palo Alto type deal). Friday and Saturday classes however are ALL small classes, ranging from 1-2-1 tutorials to 1-teacher / 4-student sessions.

The pay is better than the current place. It's worked out per hour taught, so I'm assured 100 teaching hours minimum per month (though in July and August these hours will likely rise to stupid levels - 120, 130!!!), plus the end of contract/year bonuses are very enticing.

Yes, the contract is for one full-year.

There are 80 staff at the school, 22 of whom are foreign English teachers (mainly Canadians, some S.Africans... I suspect I may be the only Brit, though I'm not sure).

I can grab two weeks holiday, plus 7-10 days for Chinese New Year (which will be at the end of January).The two weeks will probably be at the end of summer (maybe England and Europe?), and as for Chinese New Year, I intend trying to persuade my folks to maybe slightly rescedule their plans to visit Suzy in Dubai, so that we can have an end of January family reunion!

Any more Qs?

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