Make a decision? Me? Nah...

Tuesday, 11. November 2003
Make a decision? Me? Nah...

Firstly, a long overdue t-shirt slogan update:

#1 - kid's t-shirt showing picture of bear

#2 - kid's t-shirt with the following slogan (no pic)
'Nappy feature...'



Job / plans / career (!) update...

This week I have mainly been thinking about how much I would like to go back to England, catch up with everyone, move to Manchester (my fave town in which my very good friend probably has a room free, and in a house featuring husky puppies!), go to some gigs, spend Christmas at home, finish my ebook, join a triathlon club (Manc has a big one)... that kind of thing.

I'm very 50/50 at the moment. I intend to decide within a few days. The nice thing is that if I do that and at any point I wish I hadn't, I know I can do and survive this now, so it's only a plane fare away. I could simply apply for another job out here (do-able with a year's experience), though not in a cram school (adults or kindy, which can be fun I'm told), and make some profit out here again. OR, if I go before July 27, I'm JUST young enough to apply for a year's Australian working/travel visa and catch some sun / have a look around there.

Who knows? Hopefully I will shortly...

Yours ever faithfully,

Matt the Indecisive.

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