Tag: Intro


:: Intro to the site ::


This site is set up as an online diary for Matt and Jess to keep in touch with you folks back home. For those who don't know, both of us have the grave misfortune excellent luck in securing teaching placements abroad, and will be away for a year. I am swanning off to the Dominican Republic in September '02 and Matt is heading for Taiwan in October. We will update it with goss when we can, and for you guys it is fairly simple to get around..

The newest entries show up at the top of the list on the homepage, messages from both of us are shown there. If you want to see only Matt's entries, or mine, then the links on the right will help you filter them. There is also a search feature if you need it, and if you want to add to the site click on the 'comment' link at the bottom of each entry (you need a login for this, email me if you want).

Well, we'll miss you all (maybe) and if you are lucky you might even get a postcard.

L8rs, Jess xx

P.S. To clear up any misunderstanding, 'Sprogs' is an affectionate term for kids :)

... Link

:: From Matt ::



If I know you, welcome to our little weblog site - not bad for free eh?

If you're a random stranger who's browser has taken it on itself to direct you here, commiserations but have a mooch around anyway.

You can add any comments /flamings / jibes to this site by clicking Add Your Comment next to either of our diary entries or email us direct using the little picture links of me & Jess, which you'll find right down at the bottom right of the page.

Well, as of 11 October I'll be in a small town called Hu-Wei in Central Taiwan, just 15 mins by bike from the mountains and half an hour from the coast. What will it be like? Who knows... but keep reading and maybe, just maybe, I'll eventually write something of interest (just don't bet money on that okay? I can't be held responsible for your future debts!).

And finally, just to rub it in, check out the little weather pixies at the bottom right of this page - these show the weather at mine and Jess's respective new homes. Cool eh?
Enough for now, enjoy!


... Link

:: From Jess ::

Hi, here is the obligatory photo of me - looking particularly plaited and hatted. And oh look folks! She’s wearing blue! ”never!” Hehe.

This site was set up as a diary for friends and family, so I can keep in touch with everyone while I am away from you all. I was dragged out to the Dominican Republic on the 11th of September 2002, I tried to resist of course, but I was forced. ;) And now I am destined for a life of sun, sea and sprogs. Could I actually be more happy??? I don’t think so.
I will update as much as the electricity company will let me (blackouts) and as much as time lets me (remember – no entries means I have a life!).

I am sorry I had to send myself to a magical island thousands of miles away from the UK, and that you won’t see me for a while - and that you may feel a pang of jealousy here and there - and that the temperatures in the DR reach the 30’s while good old Blighty is freezing - but I promise I’ll keep in touch as much as I can and be the same old me anyway. Remember, though... you can email me by clicking here or on the blue me at the bottom right of the page... and I’m just a plane ride away if you wanna pop over....

Miss you all way too much,



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Dom. Rep. England Taiwan
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